Open air entertainment area between Martello Towers

Open air entertainment area between Martello Towers

The money could be put towards putting seats between the pillars, flags and electric points for speaker etc. This project would be dependent on the outcome of the renegotiation of the lease on the Towers.


At the moment we have to travel to Eastbourne or Brighton for much of our entertainment.

Provides an opportunity to encourage music and arts in Seaford and would encourage more people to visit the area and provides more things for the people of Seaford to enjoy.

The Martello is part of Seaford's historical heritage, which is why the flat, restaurant etc once placed there were stripped back. I don't suggest demolishing the walkway (and museum!), but don't think the moat is remotely large enough, especially on windy days, to merit a new "modernisation" anyway. The potential for crowds on a calm, sunny day to spill all over the road is asking for trouble. Perhaps a more permanent stage facility in one of the adjacent fields might work better.

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