Renovate the floor at Landport Youth Centre

Renovate the floor at Landport Youth Centre

The floor in the activities hall and Landport Youth Centre is in need of replacement as it is becoming slippery in places which could make the hall unsafe for certain activities.


Refurbishment of the floor is needed. Slippery patches on the floor are a health & safety risk.

It's important for young people to have access to activities

It is a well used place for young people that we need to keep going.

The youth centre provides a vital service for young people in the area. Renovating the floor will enable the centre to continue to provide a safe activity space for the youth of Lewes.

Landport Youth Centre services over 100 youngsters a week as well as mothers and toddlers.

The Youth Centre is a vital resource for young people in Landport and Lewes in general.

I believe in the Landport Youth Centre.

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