We need improved parking so we can use local shops

We need improved parking so we can use local shops

Parking and access to local businesses: It seems you are forced to go to more gentrified areas or big hypermarkets because short term parking or loading is very difficult. Even on red routes when traffic is going the other way during peak times one side of the road is empty but it's difficult to frequent the shops. How do the businesses survive? (Asma M)


My point links to local businesses as the whole area by the Sainsburys and Catford Bridge Station is underdeveloped. It is a missed opportunity to make the area nicer by using pop up stalls or a market there. The Beats and Grinds Coffee van is excellent in the morning but in the evening there is nothing. There have been 6 muggings of children by the station this past month. It seems to happen every year. Making the stations nicer would help to prevent muggings.

And there is a big difference how much patience or leeway is given to areas such as Catford TC compared to other affluent areas or boroughs. Eg. I have seen parents stop on red near private schools and the attitude is lenient and then aggressive behaviour or no discretion for areas where there are a lot of ethnic population or poorer populations. This is where we need the shops to survive

Kim C: How about some decent shops?

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