Photographic Exhibition for the Elderly - The Bygone Years

Photographic Exhibition for the Elderly - The Bygone Years

We want to hold a photographic exhibition on Bute, incorporating afternoon tea, to bring older people in our community together with younger people. This will allow for shared knowledge, memories, and experiences whilst delivering support using point and click cameras and building community networks. We will encourage people to bring along photos, to create a memory board and share the stories surrounding the photos. We hope that it will encourage people to partake in photography on the island.


Great idea!

fab idea

Great idea .

Absolutely fantastic idea

Sounds like a great idea for an intergenerational Project. Which Community Group would be taking the idea forward to application stage?

Great idea

Lovely idea!

Super idea

Fantastic idea

Excellent idea

Hope this is a successful event!

Sharing and making art is a great way to build community. Art connects people and if there is one thing our country needs right now is to be connected to one and other.

This would create lovely memories for both young & old!

Fantastic idea ,great way to bridge the age gap

Great idea!

Nice social inclusion idea that brings generations together and includes history and art.

Great idea

Super idea

Great way of bringing old and young together

It's going to be great

Great idea


Great idea from a great community based club.

Excellent idea!!

Great idea

we have approached a local sheltered housing scheme who are very keen to partake and we will be approaching schools and nurseries in order for all age groups to be part of our project.

To attempt to bridge a gap between young and old, we feel that this project will build lasting community networks. Sharing photos and stories, we want people to get to know their neighbors, bringing back the sense of community that we appear to have lost in these modern times. Studies show that people with dementia are better able to recall historic experiences very well, and we believe that this is integral to the project. You just see an "old person" - you don't see the life they've led.

Excellent idea...

This seems a good way to engage younger people in the community. Have you been in contact with the local schools?

What a great idea. Not only would it bring together young and old but there would be the chance to share and document the wonderful stories that perhaps the older generation have. These are too easily lost.

Fab idea

Great idea

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