The Friends of Glenan Wood are in the process of acquiring Glenan wood for the community. We are very keen to preserve the unique nature of this Atlantic Woodland, whilst at the same time developing access opportunities. We would like to organise a bioblitz to establish the range and diversity of species present. A bioblitz is a 24 hour fun event involving both experts and the general public, including children, to record and identify as many species as possible.
Looks interesting. Would you need to bring someone in to organise the bioblitz? Do you need specialist equipment?
Glenan wood is such a special place. The Friends of Glenan Wood are keen to make sure that it remains unspoiled, but at the same time it becomes a place where both locals and visitors can enjoy. A bioblitz is a fun way to get the whole community involved in finding out what is there and appreciating the amazing wildlife. Everyone can be involved from the expert to the complete amateur, the youngest to the oldest, and the night time sessions are always especially appealing to the adventurous
This is a great idea and it would be a fun project for the kids at the local primary to be involved in. For me - I would be interested to establish whether there are red squirrels in the area. I think sightings have been quite rare.
Not really much specialist equipment. More like specialist people. Would hope for eg birders to bring their telescopes, lichenologists to bring their hand lenses, bat people to bring bat detectors, moth trappers etc. I think we probably have enough people with organisational skills to set it up. Still in the preliminary planning stage.
The Friends of Glenan Woods project wasn't quite ready to submit an application to the Argyll and Bute Supporting Communities Fund but we wish them well and look forward to hearing how they get on.
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