Oban Mòd Academy

Oban Mòd Academy

Oban Mòd Academy was set up to encourage and tutor local children in Gaelic singing, recitation and conversation to participate in the local and national Mòds. We work with children from Oban and the surrounding schools. The Mòd Academy was set up four years ago when participation of children from Oban had dropped to only 2 competitors. Since then we have seen numbers grow significantly and want to continue to support young peple so that any child with an interest can participate.


Interesting project. Are you able to work with all the schools who ask to take part?

The Mòd Academy is open to all ages and all abilities. We contact all local schools in December to find out demand in order that we can be ready to start working with children in January. We use professional tutors who are PVG checked. Local schools performed well at this year's national Mòd and feedback was that the standard was very high. We want to continue to offer tuition to all interested children across the wider area but need to attract funding to support this.

We would very much like to be able to offer tutoring to all schools that wish to be part of the Mod Academy but this very much depends on what funding we receive.

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