Lochgilphead Hyperbaric Oxygen Centre, MS Centre Mid Argyll

Lochgilphead Hyperbaric Oxygen Centre, MS Centre Mid Argyll

The MS Centre Mid Argyll supports people affected by long term conditions in Mid Argyll, Kintyre, Islay and Jura. We will use this fund to upgrade and development of our hyperbaric chamber to become a high profile Lochgilphead Hyperbaric Oxygen Centre based within the MS Centre, Mid Argyll with it's own website, promotional info, health benefits info and social media page. Hyperbaric Oxygen has many proven health benefits for short term and long term conditions.


This centre is amazing and a lifeline to a lot of people . The therapies help a lot of people with long term conditions that don't get help from NHS or no medication that can help. If they couldn't give therapies then there would be a lot of people a lot worse off in there every day life's.

We like to encourage people to try something new that may help promote their good health and wellbeing. Through our voucher system we can provide wider access to our services.

I am a member at this centre and can see the difference the vouchers can make to peoples life’s including my own I hope you support them to continue their good work

This is a great group who are always kind and helpful. It has made a big difference for me

As a centre member, I use the voucher scheme, all members find this extremely helpful and hope it continues.

The centre does a wonderful job, helping people with long term conditions feel some relief and comfort by being able to offer therapies.

I have definitely seen the benefits of the centre as a relatively new member. Being able to access activities like pilates and zumba as well as the welcoming environment and peer support has been been a huge help.

The therapy voucher scheme allows Centre members the opportunity to take more control of the management of their own long term condition(s), as they can choose the therapies they feel they need and not be offered therapies others believe they need. They can also try out new therapies to see if they may be beneficial. Many local therapists who did not work with the MS Centre previously signed up to the voucher scheme, offering a far wider range of therapies than the Centre ever offered before.

The MS centre is very important to me as a volunteer and as someone with a long term condition. It is so warm and welcoming to everyone.

The MS centre is very important to me as a volunteer and as someone with a long term condition. It is so warm and welcoming to everyone.

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