Kintyre Six Circle Group needs brings people from all across Kintyre together in Campbeltown to take part in projects and activities. We have 18 members of all ages and abilities, many with additional support needs. The group needs funding for transport as our members come from all over the area, Tarbert, Clachan, Campbeltown and Southend. Without transport our members would not be able to attend the group.
Brilliant project esp for isolated people
Six Circle members are some of the most isolated people in the area and this often the only night in the week where they can put on jacket and go out. Here they can spend time with their friends, taking part in activities or just relaxing. The group is run by volunteers and our costs are minimal but our transport costs are very high. Without transport our members could not attend.
Fantastic work for really vulnerable people - what is your impact on family carers?
Carers benefit from over 1,000 hours of respite each year. They know their dependants are safe and involved in stimulating activities with their friends. All our members are volunteers and benefit from the relationships they make with other people. The motto of Six Circle is "In meeting the needs of others you meet the needs in yourself">
Much needed support for families.
A really worthwhile project - it can make such a difference to people's lives knowing that they have a night out to look forward to. Also lovely to open this up to neighbouring villages. I wish you well.
Kintyre Six Circle is a very beneficial group to the most isolated people in the area. I have attended this group for 25 years and now have my daughter who is attending.
This is a fantastic group for children who have a different way of looking at the world and itโs challenges. This is one of only two groups in quite a large geographical area which cater for these children and without it our vulernable children and adults would have no where accessible for them.
Great group and much needed in an area where there is very little support!
My brother has been attending this group for many years and absolutely loves it. It maybe only two hours a week during term time, but it's two valuable hours of fun for my brother. Funding for transport costs is vital to keep this group going, so i think it's a worthy cause to support. Many of the people who attend, enjoy spending time with others that without travel costs, they would not be able to do so.
This is a fantastic group, valued by its members and their families.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation