Bute Shinty Club Youth Section

Bute Shinty Club Youth Section

We are a community club based in Rothesay, Isle of Bute. We would like to expand our youth section to include young people from P1 level to senior school. We presently work very closely with the staff at Rothesay School Campus and enter teams at all levels up to under 17 both in school shinty and under the auspices of our governing body the Camanachd Association, however we would like to increase the numbers attending our coaching sessions and therefore need to buy additional equipment..


We have about 35 young people from 5 years to 17 years, including several girls training withvus st the moment.

Sounds as if it's a healthy club. How many members do you have?

My father and my uncles used to play shinty - much more entertaining to watch than boring old football!

We instill a sense of teamwork, belonging and discipline to our young people, making them aware that they are not alone and to give them a sporting opportunity, we aim to make them fitter and healthier in both mind and body. We let them progress at their own pace according to their individual needs and abilities. We aim to provide a clear pathway from junior to senior shinty. We try to help them become valuable members of society. We work closely with parents and school staff.

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