Warsztat - Dobrze uczestnictwo w procesie podejmow

Warsztat - Dobrze uczestnictwo w procesie podejmow

Mission is to find find best answers or ideas on the subject, this is the idea gathering brainstorm group.


Aplikacja na smartfony do prowadzenia konsultacji społ.

Dzialania edukacyjne w szkołach - dotyczące budżetu obyw.

Some “discussion-caffe”/local clubs something like

To list and to check the fulfilment of government promises

Neighbourhood decision making

Mobile application

Small meetings with City Council etc. with inhabitants which

Warsztaty dla uczniów w szkole

Trójwymiarowe mapy w konsultacjach

Giving incentives to the citizens (something is cheaper)

Learn pupils how to discuss for example during WOS (“knowled

kids ‘ participation (f.e. PB at schools)

Send questionnaire to schools

One participation fund

Instrukcje rozwiązywania problemów w mieście

Exchanging good practices in participation from all around

One participation fund

Small meetings with City Council etc. with inhabitants whic

Cennik małej architektury miejskiej

Projektowanie przestrzeni w ramach wizyt terenowych

“Depolitication” of the local government

Flying participation experts/coaches/mentors platform/hub/po

Encourage people by giving something

Back to community

This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information