NHS Citizen Gather

NHS Citizen Gather

This is a test version of the NHS Citizen Gather space; it helps people identify and discuss the issues that the NHS should be talking about. Ideas that generate the most discussion and support or which have the most national significance will be brought to the Assembly meeting for further discussion with the NHS Board.


Bullying in the NHS

Stop privatisation

Find new ways of measuring quality of care

No Patient Involvement at Strategic Level in Vanguards

Clinical Networks


Support charities in reconfiguration

All GP Patients automatically Opted Out of care.data

Free WiFi at all NHS facilities

Make it comfortable to blow the whistle in the NHS.

"Find my least busy A&E" and "When's my ambulance coming?"

Improved support for people with dementia and their carers

Connect NHS & social care

Extend practices that work

Make information systems more contected

Better joined-up care between hospitals

Better access to patient's own record

We do to people, for people, but seldom with people

Public health information before people are ill

Meaningful engagement

National shortage of doctors

How will services cope with closures

The Pressures of providing services in rural areas


Rights for Family Carers

Right to ask for a personal health budget

Community health & CCGs utilising suppliers to the group

Fight for equality in Health where inequalities exist

Why are GPs still not carrying out checks they are paid for?

Makes patients aware of cost of treatment

Fines for missed appointments!

Publish an online citizens guide to current NHS Finances

Add points for and against ideas

Use Social points to promote your ideas


It’s easy to add a new idea

Offender health management

Enabling people living with dementia to speak out globally!

Sign language

Help people in secure care mental hospitals be heard

Bringing 'agitators' to the fore

How the NHS communicated with people

Maternity care for women with disabilities

Wheelchair services need sorting

Out of hours - dental

Homeless community

CCGs to implement the NHS Power of Information initiative

Closing of vital services

Don't forget about dental care

Integrate primary and secondary care

Accessibility to medicine for people with learning difficult

Encourage patients to take medication

Radical patient centered pathway

Greater understanding for people with learning disabilities

Young people in primary care services

Push 117 and services

'Suspected' Major Life Changing Conditions

Join up psychiatric care services

Physical & Mental Health should be assessed together.

Talking to another patient should part of the consent form

How to reduce 'postcode' lottery under CCG commissioning?


Human rights

Back to community

This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information